Miss Tia (misstia) wrote in vintage_ads,
Miss Tia

One Day Event Tomorrow!!

31 Thursday ONE DAY EVENT: New Year Eve's based ads (ie: Party based)

Let's celebrate 2020 finally ending!! My holiday lights this year spelled out, uncensored, FUCK 2020. I asked my neighbors first, they loved it and there's no chirruns around, also live on a literal & figurative dead end.

Ads that involve a party in anyway. Ads depicting a party, ads for something that would be at a party (alcohol, pop, certain types of food, etc), clothing someone might wear to a party, etc.

And if you celebrate NYE please do so responsibly, as I always go on about like a school marm, but also keep in mind the precautions and guidelines regarding our unwanted visitor Miss 'Rona.
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