Contest Entry: Baby Ruth (1955)

Contest Entry: Elizabeth Taylor for Whitman's (1953)

1944 Sunkist
1974 Kraft
Contest Starts Tomorrow
Contest Starts Tomorrow: Chocolate Candy, just chocolate candy, so no, no jelly beans or other candy that doesn't have chocolate. Yes, that means we'll have a contest withOUT chocolate candy!
Our Rule Post:
1. You must put 'Contest Entry' in the subject line for me to tally votes for your entry.
2. Print or video ads are fine.
3. All Vintage Ads rules apply EXCEPT only one ad per entry.
4. Voting is via a YES in the comments.
5. The most important rule of Vintage Ads is HAVE FUN!
Our Rule Post:
1. You must put 'Contest Entry' in the subject line for me to tally votes for your entry.
2. Print or video ads are fine.
3. All Vintage Ads rules apply EXCEPT only one ad per entry.
4. Voting is via a YES in the comments.
5. The most important rule of Vintage Ads is HAVE FUN!
Monthly Themes
Monthly Themes:
Black History Month
Canadian History Month
Cherry Month
Black History Month, we'll have events; but obviously feel free to post any kind of ad featuring African Americans.
Canadian History Month, again we'll have events, again post any kind of ad for/featuring Canada. And GO CANADA! STAND UP to chucklefuck!
Cherry Month, no, no clue why February. Perhaps a vestige of Washington's birthday? Ads featuring cherries tho, open to interpretation.
Monthly Themes:
Black History Month
Canadian History Month
Cherry Month
Black History Month, we'll have events; but obviously feel free to post any kind of ad featuring African Americans.
Canadian History Month, again we'll have events, again post any kind of ad for/featuring Canada. And GO CANADA! STAND UP to chucklefuck!
Cherry Month, no, no clue why February. Perhaps a vestige of Washington's birthday? Ads featuring cherries tho, open to interpretation.
This week's upcoming events...
Monthly Themes:
Black History Month
Canadian History Month
Cherry Month
4 Tuesday Contest Starts: Chocolate Candy (Only chocolate candy)
5 Wednesday ONE DAY EVENTS: Ads from 1945 and ads that are essentially Word Salads
7-9 Friday-Sunday Weekend Events: Ads for travel to/entertainment including Canada and ads for African American made products, inventions, or where they're spokespeople and ads for Orange Juice (just Orange Juice)
Monthly Themes:
Black History Month
Canadian History Month
Cherry Month
4 Tuesday Contest Starts: Chocolate Candy (Only chocolate candy)
5 Wednesday ONE DAY EVENTS: Ads from 1945 and ads that are essentially Word Salads
7-9 Friday-Sunday Weekend Events: Ads for travel to/entertainment including Canada and ads for African American made products, inventions, or where they're spokespeople and ads for Orange Juice (just Orange Juice)